Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Little Introduction

I happen to be one of those people who loves movies and hates politics.  So when I watch a movie, it makes no difference to me if the people involved voted Democrat or Republican, what their views are, or how they live their lives out here in the real world.  What I want in a movie is for it to make me think I'm there.  When I walk out of the movie theater after a great action movie, I want to carry myself like a secret agent.  When I leave after a romantic movie, I want to feel happy, like I'm the one that just fell head over heels in love. 

The only type of movie you might never see posted on here is horror.  I can do psychological thrillers, but Saw?  I don't think so. 

When I review the movies I watch, there will be spoilers in my reviews, hence the title of the blog.  I'll go from beginning to end, so this is your fair warning.  The title of the post will be the movie title, not some cryptic phrase, so you can easily skip past if you haven't seen it and don't want to have a part spoiled.  

You should also be aware that I'm playing catch up so to speak.  I was not let out of my cage much when I was younger and although that made me very respectable and well-rounded, and was for the best really, I haven't seen a lot of the movies people think I "should" have seen.  I'll get to them, one at a time, and you get to read my thoughts every step of the way!

One last important thing.  I do happen to enjoy Television shows, and NCIS is my absolute favorite.  Part of this blog is going to be the completion of a project brought on by my watching the show.  At least a few times each episode, the character Anthony DiNozzo mentions ties from movies to the current case.  My project was to go through each of the episodes with a fine tooth comb and write down all the movies he mentions and watch every single one!  I'm on Season 4 out of "6" right now (7 not released on DVD yet, and 8 will start in a few weeks).  I will post the list down the road when I have it completed. 

Happy watching/reading!